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Free Numerology reading & analysis - Predict your future

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Numerology Expert Explains Why Pure Numerology Works?

 Your personality is your filter to the world. We rarely see the world as it is, but as we are. When we can control our mind, we control the world, our world.

For those of you who don’t believe in Pure Numerology but can keep an open mind to explore its validity and efficacy, you have my appreciation. We need to keep our mind open and close not only at the appropriate degrees, but also at the appropriate moments. With that approach, we can then evolve and improve.

I learnt Pure Numerology in Australia more than thirty years ago back in 1978 from the best Australian Numerologist of his time. He’s a Reverend who learnt this esoteric craft from his mother, who in turn picked up the skills from Gypsies. Incidentally, the Reverend himself was also a clairvoyant and clairaudiant.

Pure Numerology is called “Pure” because NO intuition NOR any form of psychic powers is involved. You do NOT need to believe that it works before it can do wonders.

While you need years, if not a lifetime of study in astrology before you can really master it, you can learn Pure Numerology pretty well in a matter of weeks.

Like Chinese herbal medicine, Pure Numerology has been in practice and time tested for thousand of years. It is only through practical applications that you can realise its power. But the rub is: If you don’t trust a surgeon, how could you allow him to operate on you or your loved ones to fix your health issue?

Until science can prove astrology, pure numerology, Chinese herbal medicine works, there are always controversies around these fields. The only way that I can “prove” its efficacy is to apply Pure Numerology in real life situation to analyse personalities. But then, it is still NOT scientific.

Numerology Expert Asks: Is it a Real Deal …. this Pure Numerology?

Right from the beginning, I should have addressed that possible uneasy feelings that some of you have. For quite some time now, you might be thinking…. “this stuff is hooey… it can’t REALLY work……”. (Thanks for this suggested phrase from our Dating Expert and Relationship Coach April Braswell). If you’re still feeling so, stay tuned with me for the rest of the journey. Then YOU tell me what you think & feel about this elusive subject. I’m making it as simple, easy & practical as it can be. The rub is, this journey is never ending! Nothing is new under the Sun, it’s just that when you discover anything unknown to you previously, it is NEW …… to…… YOU.

Nothing is certain except uncertainties. Talk to any seasoned financial market traders & long time observers of the markets, then you know nothing is for sure until it’s happened. Once things are finalised and settled down, “experts” would come out from the wood work again to interpret what they’ve said before to claim credits.

But Pure Numerology does help you to eliminate lots of guesswork. I learnt this craft more than 30 years ago. Every time I don’t bother to find out the birth dates and use Pure Numerolog as an unfair advantage, I regret it because the end results show me that I’ve wasted my time and resources in not analysing the personalties involved.
Self knowledge is the highest form of understanding. Pure Numerology acts as a gateway to that knowledge. Your personality is NOT your Inner Self. It’s just your essential and important tool in this particular lifetime to understand your Inner Self. To speed up the journey of discovery, it’s good to sharpen your tool. Understanding personalities would enhance your influence & persuasion on others to achieve your targets. It also gives you a peek into the Inner Self. Pure Numerology is an effective, simple and easy way to help you closing in the Inner Self, if it’s what you desire.
If you are fascinated and yet confused by using numbers from a birth date as a tool to understand life and its challenges, then you are in the right place to sort them all out once & for all. I understand that this is a tall order to the uninitiated.

What is (Pure) Numerology? How Can It Be Useful to You?

Numerology is the study of numbers from 0 to 9. It enables you to understand how to become better parents or lovers and be able to secure what you want in your life. It leads you into a deep and yet simple self-discovery journey. It can also help you in the dating game by avoiding those time-wasting rendezvous!

Pure Numerology helps you to focus through understanding your own personality as well as those around you, thereby giving you leverage through effectiveness and efficacy in a straight forward approach. Without knowing what your Life Paths are, the quicker you go, the harder you press forward … and the worse it is for you. It is because you are plodding in the wrong direction(s)! WHY run if you are not moving forward in the RIGHT direction?
Because of its simplicity and effective power, this knowledge was once heavily guarded from the public and esoteric. Studying Pure Numerology needs no previous knowledge and do not require intuition nor psychic power. It cuts out all the communication filters and reveals people’s characters as they really are. However, if you want to be at the pinnacle of character analysis, it still boils down to be a fine art and intuitive science.

You must always remember, if not understand, that our personalities is NOT us. It is NOT our Inner Self. Neither are we our bodies, be it physical, causal or super-casual. Yet our character traits is still the MOST important TOOL for us (the Being) to live & learn in this life time. To speed up the journey of discovery, it is good to sharpen our tools to get on with life. But how can we sharpen them without knowing what they are?


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