Musical Styles and Composers by Era

Musical Styles by Era

Music history and the eras it encompasses can be challenging to students learning the contexts. By researching and contributing scholarship, musical styles for different eras can become easier to understand. In this project, students choose a composer and work from a particular era. Page content should include a short biography of the composer and how they fit into the era, a brief analysis of the chosen piece, a comparison to a similar work/composer, observations of the music, and correctly cited sources. Pages can include links to scores, audio files, YouTube, and images. Each student can contribute pages and comment on entries of other students. Scalar, by The Alliance for Networking Visual Culture, is entirely online, with no cost attached. The User Guide is embedded in the interface. Although it is not as simple as some web page applications, it is a great format for creating a book of entries. ACRL learning outcomes for information literacy are outlined as well.

Contents of this path: