Colorado Fuel and Iron: Company Mines

Pictou Coal Mine (Robinson No. 3)

Location: Huerfano County, Colorado
Years of Operation: 1888-1954
Total Production (tons): 4,970,678

The Pictou Coal Mine was opened in 1888 by the Southern Colorado Coal Company through two slope entries. The mines elevation was 6,280 feet above sea level.  The mine names under the SCCC was the Lenox, or Sulphur Springs #1. One month after production began Maitland , also known as Sulphur Springs #2 was opened. The name was Changed to Pictou in 1889 by Thomas Lawther, the Superintendent at the time. In February of 1890 the mine was sold to the Colorado Fuel Company, and was operated by them until the consolidation in October of 1892, when CF&I became the owner.

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