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Mascot Moskovina

Harmony Bench, Author

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Letter Oct. 31, 1915 Standardized Text

This is the “standardized text” version of the Mascot Moskovina documents. This version is presented in an easily readable and searchable format. Punctuation is modernized and inserted where needed for clarity. Abbreviations are spelled out, insertions are incorporated, and crossouts and duplicate words are deleted. First words in sentences have been capitalized; other capitalization issues have not been edited. Moskovina’s spelling is routinely irregular and creative; where it is possible to discern her meaning, spelling has been standardized.

[postmark] PITTSBURGH, PA.
NOV 1 [illegible] -7 1915

Mrs. Jas. G. Morton
2150 Lincoln Park W.
Chicago Ill.

[p. 1]
2123 Forbes St.
Pittsburg Pa.
Oct. 31 / 1915

Dear Mrs Morton
I am very sorry not to have written before this, but I really did want to fix up Nondas letter before I wrote again or else she might think I was never going to write again. I received your dear letter and was so pleased that you overlook my fault. Of course Mama was not annoyed because she said from the very first on I should not do it and quite sees your reason. Mama said "What a sensible woman Mrs. Morton is." And I said yes you and her would be great friends if you met because you are pretty much alike in

[p. 2]
your ways. I am so terrible busy doing all sorts of things and today I've been looking up the stamps so as to be able to send Nondas some, but I have not sorted them all so I will have to send some more another time. My husband wrote to me that he was sick and disgusted with the Company and would leave at once if it were not that he had me now to provide for, especially as he will soon about December have another addition to the family, namely a future "Mascot" or "Louis." That is what keeps me so busy and why I cannot nor could not continue with Mme. Pavlova. Of course as you may reason I cared and acted wrong, but Louis and I always intended to marry as we were so much in love with each other. When you

[p.] 3
read this I suppose you will shake your head and say "My! What a bad girl that Mascot is." But I have my faults and have suffered severely for it all. I do not know whether you already knew, perhaps Una told you already. But what I was going to tell you about my husband—he is so sick of the Company because as you know they have those new people and they can't pick up the dances so they have every day rehearsal sometimes twice, and last Wednesday they gave a new performance and were sent on in newly painted costumes so that the paint went on the skin. I dare say it is not as nice as it used to be. I wonder how the girls like it. Do you think, dear Mrs. Morton, Cinematography work would be nice for me later on or for my husband for I do not want to be idle

[p.] 4
and should love some work late on in the theatrical line and is it always necessary to go down to New York if one wants to see Companies and agents? Well, my dear Mrs Morton, I do want to write Nondas a little note yet. I am not sending her any lovely presents which would spoil her. I wish I could; I'd love to send her something every time. If I were only in England I could always send her something in the dancing picture line. I have not heard yet from this girl. I expect to as Mama, when she left England, left her a certain sum of money to use for sending us the paper etc. And as there was some money returned from the Gas Company, which this girl received for Mama, there is plenty there for her to send on the picture post cards I asked for. Well she

[p.] 5
may do so yet as she is a very forgetful girl. I hope you and Nondas are enjoying the very best of health etc.
With Love
Mascot Vesely

P.C. I hope you do not object. I am enclosing a couple of stamps in your letter too so that I can send Nondas more.
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