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Mascot Moskovina

Harmony Bench, Author

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Letter Oct. 28, 1916 page 2

[p. 2]
that I have in my means to let her have. Wether he works or not the court would make him pay and then he would have to trouble abot work meanial work or otherwise. I am going send Nondas a pair of meliners silk stockings which I washed but are to small for me they are perfectly new and I hope you do not mind I send the shoes of and a pice of material for a practice dress. I am going to fix those photos up to now and send them off. I am never bored with your letters but am very pleased with them. As Nondas did not chosse which photo she wanted I will send her dancing poses. Last Saturday we had a Supper party after the show with Pav. and she presented Luida with a 9 stone Dimond horse shoe in commemoration of her 5 years in the Co.
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