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Mascot Moskovina

Harmony Bench, Author

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Letter Jan. 5, 1920 Standardized Text

This is the “standardized text” version of the Mascot Moskovina documents. This version is presented in an easily readable and searchable format. Punctuation is modernized and inserted where needed for clarity. Abbreviations are spelled out, insertions are incorporated, and crossouts and duplicate words are deleted. First words in sentences have been capitalized; other capitalization issues have not been edited. Moskovina’s spelling is routinely irregular and creative; where it is possible to discern her meaning, spelling has been standardized.

[postmark] NEW YORK N.Y.
JAN 5 6 PM 1920

Mrs. Billie Morton
1433 North La Salle St.
Chicago Ill.

Mrs. F. W. Lucas
170 West 65th Street
New York City

[p. 1]
5th Jan. 1920.
My dear Mrs. Morton and Nondas
At last I am able to write to you from my home, and I don’t know how to start to tell you all. First of all I suppose you must have received my card which I sent you for Xmas telling you I was coming from Puerto Rico, showing the tobacco fields there. But if you have such rotten luck as to have a spy in your home it is very hard on you. She might have taken a fancy to the p.c. for it was very nice and stolen it, for a spy is as good as a thief. Now I do hope in the bargain she gets this letter and reads it, the beast and corrupted woman that she is. Well, here’s Wishing. Oh such a much happier New Year if only my wish comes true for you, Mama and Toots also send their new year wishes. You see I arrived in on 26th Dec. But with all the excitement I had no chance to write. I read

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your dear letters and sweet Xmas token, thank you so much. You are such dears to always think of me. Well, my Toots was such a delight she is tall for her age and fair haired, big china blue eyes and proves herself quite an intelligent Baby. She has taken to me already and we have great times going out together. I am so busy. I am renovating my wardrobe for the stage and besides I go to Tarasoff’s school 637 Madison Ave. corner 59th where I do 3 hours practice every day taking three classes, so you can imagine I have hardly a minute of time since I am home and the heat to the cold had already laid me up with an awful cold and for two days I could not walk with muscle bend from the change of climate. Well, Mama was pleased. She is looking well and younger than ever. I am so sorry you are there in Chicago you could be together and be just friends if only here. Well, we have nothing definitely announced but next week we will confirm a contract to play a concert tour with symphony orchestra through the States our show just the two of us Sascha and I. If this comes off then we play the Auditorium for one show, a matinée in Chicago. Every day another town. Now should it come off, you shall have seats and all to come if you wanted to. But wait, it sounds too good to be true. Besides, I am so busy with costumes I don’t think I can be ready to start Feb. 1st. I took Baby with me to the Dancing school; she sat there all the 3 hours as quiet as could be. Well, I have to finish. The costumer is coming and I have to have the stuff ready. I have hardly a moment to breathe. I get up early and to bed late with all the excitement. Sascha lives here too and our Secretary. But he knows very little english but as we intend later to return to South America we keep him with us. I found the prices here even more expensive than in South America. It is terrible here. What on earth is going to happen to the

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States if it keeps on like that? I have my monkey with me, and although he is filthy Mama is crazy about him. But Toots is afraid of him because he won’t let anyone tease him; he defends himself. Well, So long for the present. Kiss Nondas and I will send a picture of Toots just as soon as I get breathing space. Mama is constantly busy with the flat. It is very small and hard to keep tidy. Mama and Toots send their Love.
With Love and Kisses
170 West 65th Street
Mama begs you please to excuse her for not answering your last letter, but as I said she is busy making good things for us to eat. I wish you were here to share them.
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