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Lucasville Churches (6)
12019-04-20T18:01:54-07:00The Ohio Field School - Center for Folklore Studies OSU d3215a55d81ccd40ca769f59020e951bf05ec0cb334051Image of children in front of Flatwood's Church. "Sunday School Group, Carrie Clemmons Attache"plain2019-04-20T18:01:55-07:00The Ohio Field School - Center for Folklore Studies OSU d3215a55d81ccd40ca769f59020e951bf05ec0cb
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1media/OFS(S)20190313SHSF037.jpg2019-04-05T20:56:19-07:00Lucasville Churches5This collection depicts images of several churches that were established in Lucasville, several still stand today.plain2019-04-20T18:39:05-07:00Scioto county is home to many churches of several denominations. Churches not only serve as places to worship but as centers of community life. Several churches in the area provide support for civic groups in the area and essential funds for charities and public causes. These churches have large and tight-knit congregations that perform many functions within the church and the community
Lucasville itself is home to over thirty churches. The first church in the area was established in 1849. Prior to its founding many residents attended church in Pike County.
The first church established in Lucasville, Emmanuel United Methodist Church, is still present and functioning. The land the church stands on was formerly owned by John Lucas and was donated in 1848 to erect a church. The church was established in 1849 as the Methodist Episcopal Church of Lucasville. It was rebuilt in 1928 to accommodate social activities. In 1968 the church was renamed Emmanuel United Methodist Church after a merger with The Evangelical United Brethren Church. This church currently serves as the meeting place for The Lucasville Historical Society.
This collection depicts images of several churches that were established in Lucasville, several still stand today.