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"We Are/We Have Always Been"

A Multi-Linear History of LGBT Experiences at Bryn Mawr College, 1970-2000

Brenna Levitin, Author
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BGALA was the second name for the GPA. The name was changed over the summer of 1988 by co-heads Robin Bernstein '91 and Louis Bonilla HC '90. BGALA stood for The Bryn Mawr-Haverford Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Alliance.

Academic year 1988-1989 marked a turning point in gay rights and representation at Bryn Mawr College. For the first time, LGBT-identified people were acknowledged by the campus community. The events of '88-'89 also showed that administrative accountability was at a high point.

For more information, read about the Bathroom Graffiti and the ensuing Town Hall.
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Discussion of "BGALA"

Gay Awareness Week [1988]

Held from April 11 through April 19, 1988 and organized by Gay People's Alliance co-head Robin Bernstein '91.

Posted on 19 August 2014, 7:14 am by Brenna Levitin  |  Permalink

The BGALA Center

The BGALA Center was created in 1988 by Robin Bernstein, Class of  1991, then co-head of BGALA. It was a safe space for BGALA members and friends in which to hang out. It also housed an extensive library of books. You can read more on the library here.

The Women's Center had a second room in their suite of rooms on the second floor of the Campus Center, which was nominally their administrative office. They did not, however, need administrative space, so Bernstein asked whether she could use the room as a BGALA meeting space, as one did not exist at Bryn Mawr.

The BGALA Center lasted through at least 1991. Do you have memories of the BGALA Center or its library? Send your reminisces to greenfieldhwe AT brynmawr DOT edu.

Posted on 23 September 2014, 2:31 pm by Monica L. Mercado  |  Permalink

BGALA Center Library

The BGALA Center Library was begun by Robin Bernstein, Class of 1991, when BGALA first loaned space from the Women's Center. Bernstein got multiple grants to build a collection of books, magazines, and tapes, mostly sourced from Giovanni's Room.

After Bernstein's graduation, the books moved around until vanishing for about ten years. They resurfaced in our historical record in 2003 when Rainbow Alliance began to catalog them for donation to Canaday Library. Today, they live in a discreet collection in the first floor of Canaday.

Read the full story on the Greenfield Digital Center blog, here.

Posted on 24 September 2014, 8:32 am by Monica L. Mercado  |  Permalink

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