The Abbey of La Trinité in Vendôme, France and the Cult of the Holy Tear: An Exploration of a Multi-Sensory Devotional Experience

The Liturgical Calendars of La Trinité: Mary Magdalene

The feast day of Mary Magdalene appears in the earliest surviving calendar of Vendôme, from missal dating to the first quarter of the thirteenth century. Here, she is listed on her traditional day, July 22.  Her name is in black, but the rubric in red, "Dx6," on the right margin indicates that her feast was a “duplex day,” with 6 readings.


Mary Magdalene’s feast appears in the mid-thirteenth century calendar of the abbey’s breviary with a more specific indication of a duplex feast day.

In the fifteenth-century calendars, Mary Magdalene's name appears in red to signify the importance of her feast day. It still is a feast day, but now the office includes twelve readings.

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