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Rearranging Notions of the Digital and the Physical

Keywords of the 21st Century

Frerk Hillmann-Rabe, Lina Boes, Vanessa Richter, Katrin Schuenemann, Malte-Kristof Müller, Philine Schomacher, Elisa Budian, Lara Jueres, Authors

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Emojis - Their Connection to other digital Phenomenons

There are other keywords, that might define the 21st century quite well. Just as the emoji rearranges the handling with feelings and the usage of pictures, there is a whole group of keywords that have to be rearranged. These keywords are, for example, foodporn, superfood, mingle, globalization, friend etc. No keyword stands alone, everything is in a certain connection with one another. There is a connection between emojis and blogs for instance. When you read blog entries, they are more or less always about the same subjects. Everyone wants to show their individuality, but actually, you could throw them in one pot, mix them around and it would all melt to one conclusion: only show happy things. Blogs don’t show the world, how it really is. They make you feel bad because you don’t have enough money to buy designer-bags. They make you feel fat, because you don’t have the trained body. They make you feel stupid, because you don’t know all those „important“ people they write about. The reader is constantly confronted with things how they should be. This is a frustrating thing and leads, in the worst cases, to anorexia, depression and addiction. #discrepancyoftheself
So what I want to show with such an innocent thing like an emoji, is that there is something like individuality, but that doesn’t always come with beauty, a good mood or the best decorated room. I am fighting for reality in the digital world.

There is also a connection between emojis and the new usage of the word mingle (which might also be considered as a keyword for the 21st century). To mingle means that tight relationships are oldfashioned, nowadays, you should mix with whoever you like, don’t get involved too much at one point and don’t have to take responsibility for anyone else (as you try to hold everything off yourself). Of course this is just a brief description, but the emoji fits perfectly into that system. Just as you want to be connected with the whole world but also be free at the same time, you use the same emoji, which might show an intimate or intense feeling for someone you just got to know or with whom you are only loosely connected. Just as I mentioned above, feelings in the digital world are getting generalized with the usage of the emojis. So actually, the emoji the writer is using isn’t really addressing the reader. It can be anyone sitting there, but as you only have a small variety of emoji-signs, relations get generalized as well. So again I think it is important to conclude the „real“ feelings in the the digital world.
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