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I, Robot

Information/ Government/ Humankind/ Faith

Kevin Toghia, Author
Humankind/ Faith, page 1 of 1
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Humankind’s view of the machine is backed by a foundation of ideologies that are based on basic themes scene in I, Robot. In our capitalistic society, monopolies like U.S. Robotics will control information and continue to fuel the progression of technology so long as they gain capitol. Unfortunately, in our world, we are hidden by the illusion that we as a society are in control while monopolies like Google and Facebook hold our information studying our patterns. This faith has the potential to lead to humankind’s demise with an eerie similarity to how VIKKI rose to power. Humankind will embrace technology so long as they have control. The “Frankenstein Complex” that society has grown accustomed to has vanished left with the illusion that we are in control of our own lives. Through art we can find salvation as portrayed in Paul Klee’s Angelus Novus. Progress can be met with humor or fear, we can follow in the footsteps of artists like Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin embracing technology using this generalizing force as a means of perfecting his art. In The General (1926), making it a part of his art as well as life.
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