Ken Londoner

Ken Londoner with a Device for Complex Arrhythmia

Targeting the growing electrophysiology (EP) device market that sits at around $3 billion, BioSig Technologies and its founder Ken Londoner are focused on developing a system that will improve the clarity of signals available for EP procedures, studies, and cardiac catheter ablation. Cardiac arrhythmia, or cardiac dysrhythmia, commonly known as an irregular heartbeat, is a condition, or better said a group of conditions, in which the heartbeat is irregular, either too fast, or too slow. The signs and symptoms of this condition can range from almost none existing to loss of consciousness and sudden cardiac death.

Nowadays there is a number of tests available for its diagnosis, but as Kenneth Londoner states, due to its complexity, it is extremely important to proceed with a stepwise approach. Obtaining a correlation between symptoms, the underlying arrhythmia, and initiation of appropriate therapy is the main goal. In order to identify patients with arrhythmias who are at risk for sudden cardiac death, additional testing is usually recommended.

Electrophysiologic testing is one way for identifying high-risk patients who have nonsustained VT. In fact, electrophysiologic testing is the gold standard for evaluating patients with recurrent syncope. For years now, led by its CEO, BioSig has been working on developing Pure EP proprietary technology platform, in order to improve the accuracy of clinical signals available for EP procedures. At the moment, there are around 4 million people in the US affected from atrial fibrillation, but only about 300,000 complex catheter procedures are performed in the US each year, which is a clear indicator of the severe disconnect in the market.

About 20 years ago, the first traditional cardiac EP devices were designed and they were meant for treating less complex arrhythmias. As it became more and more obvious that there is an actual need for a device that can read more complex arrhythmias, savvy businessman Ken Londoner decided to invest in developing a system that can treat atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachyarrhythmia, and thus help millions of people. Today, not only have they developed a device that is able to read more complex arrhythmias, but has also found a way to get rid of the non-biological noise.

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