James Lee Dickey: An Analysis of One African-American's Leadership in Jim Crow Texas

Racial Equality

By 1895, many Northern blacks, along with several Southern blacks, grew impatient with the plodding, kowtowing nature of accommodationism. In 1895, Washington gained national fame when he delivered his “Atlanta Compromise” speech at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia. Addressing a crowd of predominantly white audience, Washington reassured his audience that Led by W.E.B DuBois, they criticized Booker T. Washington by accusing him of selling out to the whites and intentionally keeping his people subjugated just so he could continue as his people’s spokesman. DuBois argued that Negroes should not be relegated to trade, instead they should be studying the Classics such as Latin and Greek in white college. He encouraged Negroes to become doctors, lawyers, and professors. According to DuBois, industrial education was an insult to his race.

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