HOW WE MAKE IT: Disability Justice, Autoimmunity, CommunityMain MenuNavigationExplaining the HWMI Collective & SCALARIntroductionMegan MoodieLingeringIntroduction to subsectionAligningpart of syllabus of the bodyCraftingPhoto of HWMIC AuthorsHWMIC members: top, left to right: Megan Moodie, Cynthia Ling Lee, Pato Hebert, Marina Peterson, Nikita Simpson; bottom, left to right: Rachel C. Lee, Tammy Ho, Dr. Alexandra Juhasz, Charles L. Briggs, Sharon Daniel
Align the Body to Noise -by Cynthia Ling Lee
1media/Copy of Cynthia_Align_align the body to noise_thumb.jpg2023-06-25T20:08:49-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9e433983Handwritten text on a watercolor background. The text reads: “align the body to noise / You encounter a grating sound over which you have no control: a leaf-blower, construction, baby crying next door. / Turn off any additional sounds (podcast, music). Let the sound enter your body. Breathe deeply and steadily as you dance to the sound, exploring its texture, rhythm and timbre. / When silence arrives, relish it.”]plain2023-06-25T20:09:31-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9e
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12023-06-30T11:19:26-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9eAligning Body to Noise AnnotationHWMI Collective4Annotation to Aligningplain2023-06-30T11:38:46-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9e
12023-06-25T21:15:13-07:00Aligning13part of syllabus of the bodyplain14114162023-06-30T11:36:40-07:00
For bodyminds marked by states of strain, imbalance, and tension, (re)aligning is attunement, opening oneself up to the frequencies of the world, opening ourselves up to each other.