HOW WE MAKE IT: Disability Justice, Autoimmunity, CommunityMain MenuNavigationExplaining the HWMI Collective & SCALARIntroductionMegan MoodieLingeringIntroduction to subsectionCraftingPhoto of HWMIC AuthorsHWMIC members: top, left to right: Megan Moodie, Cynthia Ling Lee, Pato Hebert, Marina Peterson, Nikita Simpson; bottom, left to right: Rachel C. Lee, Tammy Ho, Dr. Alexandra Juhasz, Charles L. Briggs, Sharon Daniel
12023-06-25T21:15:13-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9e4339813part of syllabus of the bodyplain14114162023-06-30T11:36:40-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9e
For bodyminds marked by states of strain, imbalance, and tension, (re)aligning is attunement, opening oneself up to the frequencies of the world, opening ourselves up to each other.
1media/Copy of Cynthia_Align_align the body to noise.jpgmedia/2485 W 18th St 2.mp32023-06-25T20:02:21-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9eIce Coats Branches10Marina Petersenimage_header2023-07-01T08:07:57-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9e
1media/Copy of Cynthia_Align_align the body to noise.jpg2023-06-24T16:07:09-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9eTension15Nikita Simpsonimage_header2023-08-11T15:26:26-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9e
1media/Cynthia_somatic snail.jpg2023-06-27T08:23:24-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9eAligning is Deep Listening6Reflection on Charles Briggsimage_header2023-06-30T17:28:41-07:00HWMI Collectivee9834cc7ce3ac75886dd0a3fb2f5880c3e10ab9e
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1media/Copy of Cynthia_Align_align the body to noise_thumb.jpg2023-06-25T20:08:49-07:00Align the Body to Noise5part of Cynthia Ling Lee's *syllabus of the body.* Handwritten text on a watercolor background. The text reads: “align the body to noise / You encounter a grating sound over which you have no control: a leaf-blower, construction, baby crying next door. / Turn off any additional sounds (podcast, music). Let the sound enter your body. Breathe deeply and steadily as you dance to the sound, exploring its texture, rhythm and timbre. / When silence arrives, relish it.”]media/Copy of Cynthia_Align_align the body to noise.jpgplain2023-06-30T12:25:18-07:00