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Kate Diedrick, Molly Kerker, Authors

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Rhode Island's Housing Crisis

“I saw a few homes go into foreclosure…this happened to a lot of people.”

Brenda has seen the effects of foreclosure firsthand. On one hand, these foreclosures can be attributed to the nationwide crisis. On the other hand, Brenda is bearing witness to Rhode Island’s particularities; foreclosures in Rhode Island are intimately tied to the state’s high poverty and unemployment rates. 

Today the percentage of Rhode Islanders whose homes are "under water" (meaning that they are paying more for them than they are worth) is higher than anywhere else in the country. On top of this, the state provides very few affordable rental options. In this context, what choices do people have?

In Providence and all across the country, people like Brenda's niece have chosen to fight back.

Providence's Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE) and the Tenant and Homeowner Association (THA) have been helping people stay in their homes since 2008. A Right to the City affiliate DARE has been working with No One Leaves partners to help families remain in their homes. 

In neighboring Boston, City Life/Vida Urbana organizers challenge the idea that families should be forced out of their homes the second that banks stop earning high profits. No One Leaves tenants and organizers have stayed put, even in the face of foreclosure orders, eviction actions, and arrests. And by using a combination of direct action and legal activism, they have won the right to stay in their homes. 

Want to learn more about a local person who fought back? Click here to learn about Antonio Ennis.
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