HAVC 135B : German Art 1905-1945

Course Description

HAVC 135B: German Art 1905-1945
University of California at Santa Cruz, Summer Session 2, July 25-August 26, 2016
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9AM - 12:30PM, McHenry 1262
5-unit course. Fulfills the GE requirements: IM & A
Instructor: Sara Blaylock / blaylock@ucsc.edu
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 1-2PM McHenry Café and by appointment

From the first modern artists of Germany to the foundations of an avant-garde cinema​ to the cultural responses to two major world wars to the aesthetics of Nazi politics, in this course we will examine together one of 20th century Europe's most tumultuous histories. Course material will include traditional, experimental, and reactionary forms of culture to underscore different systems of representation and their relationship to history, ideology, and politics. Emphasis will be placed on situating the material in a global context.

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