Etrennes au beau sexe


The Rights of Woman

Air: Je connais un Berger discret

To better admire the voice
Of civic ears,
To men I sang the rights
In patriotic song;
But my weak muse quickly
changed the scale
She is going to speak a bit
About the rights of woman.

Make us ever more enamored,
With flowers replace our chains,
Exercise on our docile hearts
Sovereign Power,
Always please and delight us
From that love you will ignite us;
Here is what is named
The good Rights of Woman.

Who gives these rights to women?
Nature herself:
Nature did chose women
For our greater good.
Against these rights, I know it well
A husband won’t declaim
when he feels he can do nothing
about women’s rights. 

Our senate does nothing,
But regenerate us;
It regenerates our property
To put us in the clear;
And fearing to attract
A good or bad epigram
It wants us to renew ourselves
Until women have these rights.

To better serve the Nation
The majestic assembly
Will give an extension
To their new work
Soon we will see among us
A fickle woman
Twenty times a year she changes husbands
Thanks to the rights of woman.

All are equal, says the laws,
The fair sex, on the contrary
Says that for every man, these rights
Differ from most to least
And against our rights without reason
We hear them declaim
But who can have a thorough knowledge of
All the rights of woman.


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