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ENGL665: Teaching Writing with Technology

Shelley Rodrigo, Author

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Kelly Cutchin Bio

My name is Kelly Cutchin and I'm a second year PhD student.
My emphases are Rhetoric, Writing, and Discourse Studies, as well as a
pedagogy. I have been teaching first-year composition in various contexts (a
four-year university as a TA, two-year colleges as an adjunct, and high schools
as a Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement teacher) for just over six years,
each experience motivating my decision to pursue a PhD and find out all of the
things I don't know.

I just recently moved to King George, Virginia with my
husband (a scientist), stepdaughter (a fifth grader), and big-headed (and
big-hearted) dog, which has given me the opportunity to teach two hybrid Dual
Enrollment courses of my own design at a local high school. While I'm thrilled
at the prospect of this course and the experience I will gain in its planning
and execution, I'm also terrified by the idea of not knowing how, exactly, it
will--or should--all go. This past year, both in the program and in my personal
life, has been about doing things that I never thought I could or should, and I
have found quite a bit of fulfillment in living and learning this way. This
uncertainty, centered on a solid foundation of hope, is what has motivated me
to take this course.

I hope to utilize this course as a safe place to play, fail,
and learn new technologies that can reconfigure and revitalize my composition
pedagogies so that I am able to provide students with the knowledge, tools, and
experiences necessary to be successful in the next stages of their lives. I
have been hesitant to play and experiment with digital technologies because a
large part of my pedagogy has depended upon my physical presence and
interactions with students. I do not expect to simply find a virtual way to
maintain that presence, but instead examine the limitations I'm imposing upon
myself and my students, and move toward other ways of teaching that may allow
for increased peer interaction and engagement.

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