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Musée des Beaux Arts

Poetry Exhibits and Curatorial Poetics

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This page was created by Andrew Simak. 

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Simak Poem 1

This is the first step in my path. This

path is fully intended to be a journey through a man's struggle with a
relationship as he first suspects, then confirms that there is in fact
infidelity taking place. In most cases, the one who is being taken advantage of
has suspicions. This poem by William Blake walks through the thought process of
a man having these same suspicions. Notice that this is first as he still
refers to his love as rose (a cliché in most love based poetry in regards to
calling the one you hold feelings for “beautiful” or “delicate”. As the poem
progresses he still refers to “his joy” but articulates it to be “crimson”;
crimson is often used to describe the color red when things like blood are
discussed as opposed to a word with happier connotations of “scarlet” or even simply
saying “red”. He discusses a dark secret love and it will destroy his life
(entirely, or in regards to a love life)

"The sick rose" 

by William Blake

rose, thou art sick!

The invisible work

That flies in the night,

In the howling storm

Has found out thy bed

Of crimson joy

And his dark secret love

Does thy life destroy!

click here for a reading!
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