Willie Hill on Formal Education
According to Hill, Jazz offers many styles and creative opportunity through improvisation. Additionally, Jazz confronts music students with a distinctly American style of music, as opposed to the European styles traditionally taught. An educator for 40 years, Hill believes the impact and success of formal education rests on the shoulders of teachers themselves. He argues that in order for students to benefit from what jazz has to offer, they must have teachers who are equipped to deliver outstanding jazz instruction to their students. Thus, teacher preparation is incredibly important. Too often teachers who teach jazz bands never really learned jazz themselves. Hill believes in order to effectively teach jazz, one must not only have experience with it, but enjoy and have a passion for it themselves. If they are comfortable teaching the techniques and they enjoy it, then students will be confident in learning the techniques and will enjoy it as well. For those teachers who do not have sufficient experience, he believes they need to have the desire to seek out training and resources that will enable them to become great jazz educators.