Convert number to words in excel
Number to words - Convert number to words in excel
On Excel there are several ways to write a number. It can be considered as a number or as text(a string containing numbers). So how to convert number to words in excel and ensure that a number is counted as a number and name as text for Excel. This is very useful especially if you are working on a file imported from a third-party application and the numbers are not well recognized at first glance by Excel.
Convert number to words in excel 2007 with a special collage
A very simple way to convert number to words(version 2007 excel converter)is to force an operation to run so that the result is a number, for example, by adding zero. For that:
- Copy an empty cell
- On the target range to convert Right-click then Special Paste
- In the Paste Special menu choose Addition. This will add the zero of the empty cell to each cell in the target range.
- Click OK. The entire target range is now considered a number. This works on both cells containing an apostrophe and on cells with a text format.
Other verion of Excel
You can find more information about convertin number to words in other version of Excel in those links:
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