Eastern Culture Nucleus: Chinese Rare Books in the USC Libraries


Four branches 四部 is a traditional Chinese bibliographic classification scheme to catalogue and organize books into four categories, namely jing 經 (Classics), shi 史 (History), zi 子 (Masters) , and ji 集 (Literature). The fourfold classification scheme started to develop in the third century and became standardized in the sixth century. 

Classics comprises the Thirteen Classics of Confucianism 十三經, commentaries on the classics, and philology. History contains historical works and documents, as well as works in geography, epigraphy 金石學, historiography and bibliography. Masters includes a wide range of subject areas, such as masters and hundred schools of thought 諸子百家 of the late Warring States (475-221 BC), agriculture, medicine, fine arts, astronomy, math, encyclopedias 類書, Buddhist and Daoist works, etc. Literature primarily consists of literary works and anthologies, collected works of individual authors, and poems.

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