"The Road" Video
"Create a video using Camtasia that captures your response to The Road. You might develop a video that reads the book in terms of a motif or key question. You could compose a piece that connects the story to a contemporary concern or intellectual question. You could use the text as a prompt for a creative response that deploys artistic video strategies to engage viewers. The topic is flexible, but there is one requirement: you must incorporate sonic elements that extend beyond music and you must include your voice. These parameters are also flexible. You can include music, but will want to weave in additional sounds. The use of your voice can take different forms, narration can be a helpful path, but there might be other possibilities."
The Road is a story of a father and a son traveling through post-apocalyptic America. It imagines a future in which no hope remains, but in which the father and his son, "each the other's world entire," are sustained by love. The love seems to be sustained by the light, which the father and son symbolically carry with them. This light is what makes this pair "the good guys" and is what the father ingrains in the mind of his son. He teaches him how to read, how to write, and how to distinguish good from bad. The Road is a story about how the good struggles to survive in a world run by the bad.
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