
Body as a Temple


A separation of the body and mind typically views the body as a site of evil, subservient to the rational mind. Desire is said to originate in the body and thus be repressed by the mind. But can desire not also be cultural? Is desire subject to hierarchy, in socially accepting productive forms of desire and disowning unproductive forms?

A quick study of the body in labor

On an individual level, bodies have productive capacities. On a societal scale, human bodies are connected with the "abstract bodies of the state." (Parikka 123) Today's normative view assumes that individuals form the basic unit of society, but is this truly a natural unit? In this view, societal flows are dictated by individual actors even though bodies have been inserted into the "machinery of production" since the eighteenth century. (Fausto-Sterling 7) States and systems have vested interests in our bodies as capital. Our resistance might be mounted against this idea of productivity.

If not productive, then what use? Bodies without use?

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