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Milwaukee Journal
12016-03-13T12:18:37-07:00Hayley Trowbridge27987a42b82c5537ef7c6470e94e00396bc1a5d574612David M. Stocking, Milwaukee, WIplain2016-03-13T12:19:07-07:0010/15/1961 (?)SCARC at Oregon State UniversityHayley Trowbridge27987a42b82c5537ef7c6470e94e00396bc1a5d5
"The faculty of at least one state university on the west coast will howl over this novel by a National Book award winner. So would the students--if, one gathers, they could read...Seymour Levin, 30 and bearded, appears on campus to teach freshman English, to become a new man far from his native New York."