Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England

"Introduction: Multimedia and Multimodal Theatricality"

To date, EBBA offers high-resolution facsimiles, transcriptions, and recordings of recoverable tunes—now well over 5,000—and TEI/XML encodings of some 8,000 of the estimated 12,000 extant pre-1701 English broadside ballads. Including links to the ballads in the Bodleian database, the total of broadside ballads digitally accessible via EBBA approaches 9,600 or close to 80% of early modern survivals. The archive continues to grow as it moves toward completion. With such a large “single stop” digital repository of English broadside ballads across collections and so many possible avenues of approach into their multimedia, we now have a sturdier foundation from which to approach this most printed of artifacts in early modern England.

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