Arab Literary Travels

Nadeen Abou-Hossa: Introduction

In this project, I hope to trace the paths of both Palestinian and Syrian refugees who reside in Lebanon. I find it interesting to focus on their past plots on the map, present plot (Lebanon), and future plots they have in mind. When analyzing these locations, I would like to look into several factors such as the specific events which made these refugees leave their homeland, and hope to find similarities and intersections between the two groups. In addition to this, I hope to see how these refugees have in the past and today worked in Lebanon's society and economic structure. One event that I will focus on to demonstrate these intersections is the Sabra and Shatila Massacre because during the massacre, it was predominantly Palestinian Refugees that were killed, and in more recent years, the camp has been inhabited by many Syrian refugees who fled their homeland after the Syrian Civil War. Lastly, I would like to dive into the group of Palestinian Refugees who migrated after the 1948 war, and then had to again migrate to Lebanon after the Syrian Civil War. I think it will be interesting to compare the spaces that these different groups of refugees reside in and how these spaces have changed. I also believe that this study will play with the idea of home for a Syrian Refugee and for a Palestinian Refugee, and whether home is now Lebanon for them, or someplace else. 

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