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Allusive Meaning:
A Reference Guide to Alison Bechdel's Fun Home

Lynne Stahl, Author

This comment was written by Beata Calvy on 30 Aug 2017.

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Daisy and Nick

Can I just suggest that you also include that Daisy and Nick are cousins? I am not sure that Tom and Nick went to college together. Daisy loves her cousin Nick and tries to set him up with her infamous golfer friend, Jordan Baker. Jay Gatsby uses his friendship with his renter, Nick, to meet with Daisy in Nick's little house that he rents from Gatsby.
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The Great Gatsby (30 August 2017)
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Discussion of "Daisy and Nick"

Re: Daisy and Nick

Hi, and thanks for your comment. We do indeed learn that Tom and Nick went to college together in chapter one (see for example p. 6 of my edition: "...I'd known Tom in college"). As for your suggested additions, due to the guide's scope, comprehensiveness in each entry is impossible. However, I've made your comment visible so that others can benefit from the addition.

Thank you for using the guide. I hope you're finding it helpful!

Posted on 30 August 2017, 7:32 am by Lynne Stahl  |  Permalink

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