Missoula Notes
Missoula, Dec. 24. -- Christmas exercises were held this evening in nearly all of the churches in this city. Some of the programmes were very elaborate and all were thoroughly enjoyable. At St. Xavier's church midnight mass was celebrated.
The Twenty-fifth infantry band gave a fine serenade concert in town this evening, playing for the benefit of friends. The music was enjoyed by big crowds of Christmas shoppers.
E. L. Bonner, receiver for the Northern Pacific, came in from Helena last night and left to-day on a trip to the far East, where he will probably remain for several weeks.
Last night's eastbound train reached here this evening, almost 24 hours late, having been delayed by heavy snows in the Idaho division. The blockade occurred just beyond Pasco, in Washington, an unusual thing in such a level country. The regular train to-night was nearly on time, just behind the delayed No. 2.