Digital History Seminar: 20th Century Spain

Republican v. Nationalist Woman

I'm hoping to have the lay out of this project be a mix of media displaying the lives of women during the Republican and Nationalist controls of Spain, as well as the "ideals" for those women and their treatment, along with text examining the media and adding further information from research.  The treatment and daily lives of these women were affected by which party had control of the government, the war itself, the part of the country they lived in, and many other factors.  This exhibit will seek to explain the roller coaster of changes that Spanish women in this period endured and how that has affected their position in Spanish society today. 

Republican Era Topics:
Right to Vote
Political Office
Family Planning 
Ideal Woman

War Topics:
Involvement on both sides
Mass graves
Educator executions
A Woman's Place

Franco Era Topics:
Stripped of Rights
The Church
Home Makers (cooking classes)
Alteration of Media
Ideal Woman

Post Franco Era Topics:
Women Speaking Out
Changes in Media
Women's Place Now (conclusion)


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