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Yannick Trapman-O'Brien, Author
Transcript: Jonas, page 3 of 3

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Question 3: Jonas

Do you think Abu Dhabi misses you when you're gone?

I feel like, um, if you like a place, a place likes you. Like, it's different with people, like the feeling has to be, has to go both ways. But with a place they're like pretty easy going. I guess. They just .. are. So if .. you like a place, then it most likely likes you. But if you don't then it's kind of just there.


when I was living in New York, still, I would go to the deli sometimes, and I would —after I ate it, I would miss the food that I got. You know like—it's not even ... like it's not even big things, you're always missing something.

Transcript Jonas
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