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Yannick Trapman-O'Brien, Author
Question Two, page 12 of 23

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Question 2: Stephanie

Do you think it's necessary to miss things?

Like if you don't experience change in your life then like, you don't really have an interesting life. (laugh) at all. Like it's really boring because you don't experience anything that like, if you didn't move around the world, or something, like—or experience any kind of change, then your life wouldn't be very interesting.

What does missing feel like?

Longing. I don't know. Your existence is kind of […] is kind of empty. […]
um, like it's hard to —I think it's easier to miss a person, than it is a place, because a person you might know longer—but even a place like they have the people in it. So it's like .. it's hard to explain like because you miss like a place and maybe like the fresh air, and the rain, or the weather. And then you can miss like, a person, like their face and, like the way that they talk, and like, the way that they're nice to you—but it's all like different. So it—they're basically two different ways of like missing things.

Question 3 Stephanie
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