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Yannick Trapman-O'Brien, Author
Transcript: Aya, page 2 of 3

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Question 2: Aya

And uh, you've never met her, but do you—do you ever miss her?

mmm—ya. Ya. I-uh, —when I see her pictures on Facebook, I feel like my eyes tear up, like "aw, when will I meet her." And yeah, I do miss her. She makes me positive.

And how does that feel? When you miss her. So, the example I always use is say I was a doctor, and you had never felt this feeling before. How would you describe it?

[…] Okay missing is something psychologically. And, it's like love, it's like hate, that uh, so many—even psychologist couldn't identify it in a proper way, or in a.. like a scientific way. they say that in love for example, you love certain person because of his look or her look. It reminds you—subconsciously you have that picture in your brain so you think you love this person. 'Cause this person is related somehow to a good memory in your past. And it's the same with hate—hatreds. If you have a-a tragic me—a sad memory, and then you meet a person who's similar to that person in that memory, you will hate this person without even knowing the reason. For me, missing her is missing the feeling I received from being happy when I'm communicating with her. So this is my translation to the missing part. I'm not sure if this is correct or not, but I think this is how it is.

Question 3 Aya
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