Question 1: Peter
Who did you write to?
Uh my boyfriend. Nate [ ______ ].
Would you mind telling me a little bit about him?
Um yeah sure. Uh, he's a lovely boy (laugh). Uh, I met him—I met him on Valentine's day this year, at the Berlin (Hall?) in Berlin. He's um .. American, he was born in Minnesota, spent a lot of his life in Colorado and—considers himself to be Californian, but I think that's more about his construction of who he wants to be. But he's lived all over the States, and he's lived in Berlin for the last five years, and his family still live in Minnesota. On a very beautiful um, piece of land on a lake. And he's a hairdresser, but uh, he loves film—I think he's a reader more than anything else, he just he loves reading books. And he loves film—and one of the things that really um, endeared him to me and made me fall in love with him, I went back to his house the night we met, and um .. he had these film journals of every single film he's watched since like 1998 I think. Or, he had like 5 or 6—5 years of them, and I mean I just thought that was so .. sweet, and I mean and artistful. Um. And another thing that really made me fall for him, um, was that he said "I—I want to look after you." And he said that probably after we had known each other for 3-3 hours. And, if most people had said that to me like I would have found it very disturbing, and it would have freaked me out. But there's something about Nate that actually makes me want to be looked after by him. Um. And normally I find that I look after other people—and I look after him to some extent, but he really looks after me. yeah. Um, I have um,.. I'm kind of well adjusted and stable but every now—I have a kind of—I get chemical build-ups in my brain and I can get freaked out quite easily, especially in large crowds and stuff. And he really like—when he sees me like getting freaked out he just kind of picks me up and steers me right, and .. makes sure I'm okay, which is lovely. And I've been kind of, um .. I mean I'm—I would get a lot of love from the world, but I've also .. I've been very alone and kind of lonely for most of my life, so. So it's really lovely to meet this boy, Nate [ ______ ]. Yeah.
How did you end up apart?
I mean I live in Durban. So I met him in Berlin and then .. was supposed to move—go to London a few days later. In fact I went to the airport but I missed my flight. And then came back and spent another week with him before I went back to-to South Africa. […] So I'm moving back and forth. So I'm going back to Durban for a month and then I'm going back to Berlin for 3 months, then we're both going back to Durban for a month, and then he's coming back, and then I'll be back in Berlin in August. And I'll see him a few times along the way. So it's a little frustrating, but I really uh—it's worth—we're worth waiting for. Each other. Yeah.
Question 2 Peter
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