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Alexei Taylor, Author
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A Machine Dreams User's Manual

What is this project?

Throughout the semester, we have explored writing as a technology. We have created a set of  Keywords that were most important to the concerns of the class.  Our first set of essays were handwritten.  The second set, which we call our Commodity Ethnography were written on a word document and then transferred into this digital authoring program. The final essays, our  Critical Essays, are "born digital" works-- meaning they were written to take advantage of the capabilities of Scalar.
Please explore!  If you choose to read the student's critical essays, press that button.  Each student designed her or his essay differently and will tell you how to read/listen/and experience their argument.  The form the essay takes also may mimic their view about the art.  You may follow a "path" or an argument and then turn around and follow a "path" of a counter argument.  Or you can jump to the part of the essay that interests you most.

You are invited to interact.  You can comment on any of the pages you read: You can also change the way each project looks. On the "view" button underneath the drop down menu to your left, you can decide whether you want to look just at the text (text emphasis), or just the media (media emphasis) or want to change the look of the page your are viewing.  Play with the views according to your own interest in the material.  Scalar encourages interactivity and creativity form both the author and the viewer.  And, there is a comment function so that the reader can engage with the author.  The best place to leave a comment would be in each author's Student Archives page. When you link to that page, you will see everything the student contributed to class this semester -- the essays, keywords, and media she or he imported into scalar.  All of those things are tagged with the student's name.   And please click the links -- some students have linked their work to other essays when ideas and questions intersect.  Because this is a collaborative book, you complete the circuit between authors as you navigate the project.Enjoy!  And for more information, here is the bibliography for the class.   Course Bibliography
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