This tag denotes pages discussing theories of globalization, examples and practices of, particularly in relation to Japanese youth.
This page is a tag of:
Lesque, Japan's Underground Skate Company, Situating Youth Studies within Globalization, Habitus and Scapes, Tokyo Skateboard Local, The Uncanny Difference of the Kikokushijo and Heterotopia, Getting the Make, Getting the Data: A Total Machine on Screen, Mami: Kikokushijo Identity and the Global Rhizome of Memory and Fantasy, Tokyo as Neo-Techno-Future and Material Bodies as Counter-Affect, Global youth imaginary and the ethnographic site, My globalized awareness through skate media and military bases, Getting the Make: Making It, Kikokushijo Academy: Reconstituting the Past and Mimicking the Family, Conclusion: What is this Place Called? Japan's Kids and Becoming, Margaret Mead and the Anthropology of the Child, Normalized Risks for Abnormal Futures, Disappearing at the Threshold, Constituting the (Affective) Family in Disneyland Drag View all tags
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