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Holy Terrors

Latin American Women Perform

Diana Taylor, Alexei Taylor, Authors
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Rosa Luisa Márquez: Biography

Rosa Luisa Márquez

Rosa Luisa Márquez is a Puerto Rican theater artist and pedagogue; she specializes in contemporary theater. Rosa Luisa started her teaching career at the theater department of the University of Puerto Rico in 1978. She developed the current curriculum of Drama Activities, which she teaches in her workshops at schools, prisons, rehab centers, women's shelters and community centers. Her directing projects include "Romeo(s) y Julieta(s)," "Historias para ser Contadas," "La Leyenda del Cemí," "Procesión," "Waiting for Godot," "Jardín de Pulpos," "Absurdos en Soledad," "El León y la Joya," among others. Published books include "Brincos y saltos: el juego como disciplina teatral" and "Historias para ser contadas, montaje de Rosa Luisa Márquez." She is a member of the board of directors and pedagogical team for the EITALC´s International School of Latin American and Caribbean Theater. Ongoing artistic collaborators include Gilda Navarra and Antonio Martorell (Puerto Rico), Grupo Malayerba (Ecuador), Grupo Yuyachkani (Peru), and directors Peter Schumann (Bread & Puppet Theater, U.S.A.) and Augusto Boal (Theater of the Oppressed, Brazil).
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