- Marco Deseriis
- "Software is Ideology"
- Post-Fordism
- Jean Baudrillard
- Bill Brown
- Walter Benjamin
- Copy
- Universal Turing Machine
- DNA as genetic code
- Norbert Weiner
- N. Katherine Hayles
- Mark B.N. Hansen
- W.J.T. Mitchell
- Georges Canguilhem
- Media Studies
- Biology
- Bruce Clarke
- Gregory Bateson
- Automata
- John Johnston
- John von Neumann
- Flexibility/Robustness
- Body
- Boids Algorithm
- Kevin Kelly
- Thomas Hobbes
- Aristotle
- Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
- "Religious Hermeneutics"
- Artificial Life
- John Conway
- Hacker
- Swarm
- Howard Rheingold
- Web 2.0
- John Perry Barlow
- John McAfee
- Gabrielle Brandstetter
- Anthropocentrism
- Techno-Utopianism
- Information Security
- "Vapor Theory"
- Materialist-Cultural Analysis
- Bruno Latour
- Matthew Kirschenbaum
- Jacques Derrida
- Eva Horn
- Friedrich Kittler
- Materiality
- Gilles Deleuze
- Control
- Machinic Perception
- Posthuman
- Scale Free Networks
- Interoperability/Transmedia
- Cybernetics
- Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver
- Ray and Charles Eames
- Frederick Cohen
- Julian Dibbell
- Benevolent Viruses
- Jussi Parikka
- Breakdown
- Communication
- Paranoia
- Transportation
- Global Capitalism/Exchange
- Biological Viruses/Disease
- Wendy Hui Kyong Chun
- Eugene Thacker
- Alexander Galloway
- Michel Foucault