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Iranian Jewish Life in Los Angeles: Past and Present

Saba Soomekh, Author

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Rabbi Peer & Rabbi Loloyan: To Marriage and Beyond

By now it should come to no surprise that both Rabbi Loloyan and Rabbi Peer maintain a strong connection with many individuals of their congregations even after they are married. For example, at Chabad Persian Youth once a month, women gather at the temple for their own learning sessions. In this time they learn about many different subjects relating to women and their role in the household. Some topics include the holidays, family purity classes, and baking. The women also gather to recite Tehillim, also known as the praying for the well-being of the community. The Shabbatons continue for families as well and both Haichal Moshe and Chabad Persian Youth host Friday night dinners for their congregations where a traditional Shabbat dinner is served and different families are able to interact with one another outside of the temple.
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