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The Nature of Dreams

Seth Rogoff, Author

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Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass: Temporal Paradox

The new temporal system in the sanatorium is the opposite of the orderly one Joseph is used to at home. As the common temporal rules dissolve, Joseph experiences time as increasingly anarchic and illogical. To demonstrate what he means, Joseph tells a series of anecdotes from his time at the sanatorium. It is interesting to note that the reader has lost all sense of how long Joseph perceives he has been in this realm. The reader, like Joseph, must surrender to the temporal anarchy. Joseph relates:

At a certain time of day or night – a hardly perceptible difference in the color of the sky allows one to tell which it is – I wake up in twilight at the railings of the footbridge leading to the Sanatorium. Overpowered by sleep, I must have wandered unconsciously for a long time all over the town before, mortally tired, I dragged myself to the bridge. I cannot say whether Dr. Gotard accompanied me on that walk, but now he stands in front of me, finishing a long tirade and drawing conclusions. Carried away by his own eloquence, he slips his hand under my arm and leads me somewhere. I walk on, with him, and even before we have crossed the bridge, I am asleep again. Through my closed eyelids I can vaguely see the Doctor’s expressive gestures, the smile under his black beard, and I try to understand, without success, his ultimate point – which he must have triumphantly revealed, for he now stands with arms outstretched. We have been walking side by side for I don’t know how long, engrossed in a conversation at cross purposes, when all of a sudden I wake up completely. Dr. Gotard is gone; it is quite dark, but only because my eyes are shut. When I open them, I find that I am in our room and don’t know how I got there.

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