1. Michel Foucault. 'Truth and Power,'' in The Foucault Reader, ed. Paul Rabinow (New York: Pantheon Books, 1984).
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid
4. Ibid.
5. For more information on this topic, sec Jennifer Washburn, University, Inc.: The Corporate Corruption of American Higher Education (New York: Basic Books, 2005).
6. For an excellent history on site-specific art and the changing notion of the term "site specificity," see Miwon Kwon, One Place After Another: Site-Specific Art and Locatianal Identity, new ed, (Cambridge. Mass.: MIT Press, 2004).
7. Deep Dish Television and Paper Tiger TV are good examples of pre-www DY1 media initiatives. For more information, see and
Nettime is a moderated listserv. For more information, see
9. For more information, see
10. Undercurrents is an invitational listserv.
11. For more information, see
12 For more information, see It should also be noted that Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia and its precursor Nupedia, has started to build a Wikipedia "fork" project called;. Citizendium will employ "officially" sanctioned experts who will function as editors for the project.
13. Tracing the relationship between open source software and open source hardware is not the purpose of this chapter. However, for recent developments in open hardware, see http://www
14. For more information about the Bureau of Inverse Technology, see
15. For more information about Suicide Box, sec
16. For more information abour the Institute for Applied Autonomy, see ht(p:'/www
17. For more information about Graf/iltWriftr, see
18. For examples, see and
19. For more information, see
20. Bruno Latour, Science in Action (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987).
21. Ibid., p. 22.
22. Ibid., chap. 2.
23. A number of these artists are included elsewhere in this anthology.
24. For more information, see
25. For more information on Heath Bunting's work, see
26. To download available pdfs on-line go to
27. Ibid.
28. A good reference for the history of computer hobbyism is Steven Levy. Hackers: Heroes oj the Computer Revolution (New York: Penguin Books. 2001).
29. Documentation of the project can be found at
30. Digital Resistance is available for free download: .html.
31. Molecular Invasion is available for free download: index.html.
32. Critical Art Ensemble. "Transgenic Production and Cultural Resistance: A Seven-Point Plan," In The Molecular Invasion (New York: Autonomedia, 2001), p. 59
33. Documentation of GenTerra, Molecular Invasion, and Free Range Grams can be found on Critical Art Ensemble's Website in the biotech projects section;
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid.
36. Roundup is a herbicide, made by Monsanto, that is designed to kill any plants the Roundup Ready line. For background materials regarding the Roundup Ready controversy, we publications by the Etcgroup.
57. For more information regarding the case, see
39. Foucault, "The Right of Death and Power over Life," in The Foucault Reader, ed. Paul Rabinow (New York: Pantheon Books, 1984)
40. Michel Foucault, "Govemmentality," in his Power, ed. James O. Faubton, trans. Robert Hurley et al. (New York: Penguin, 2002).
41. The recent appearance of biotech science kits in toy stores is interesting in this regard. Obviously, sparking the scientific interests of children might be one of the reasons why adults are looking through the science kit shelves at local toy stores. But I wouldn't be surprised at all if playing with forensic DNA and running electrophoresis experiments at home wasn't as intriguing to parents as the children for whom these kits were originally designed. Similar to the pleasures of cooking one's dinner or fixing up one's house, the act of making, building and simultaneously learning seems to be an appealing and desirable way of spending spare time for those who can afford doing so. So here we have one reason to become involved with scientific knowledge acquisition by non-experts: pleasure and the desire to "make things" Interestingly, these are often the same motivations which steer young high school graduates toward an education in the arts. However, in addition to "making something." "saying something" with what you make obviously has to become part of this equation very quickly.
42. SymbioticA is now offering a Master of Science degree in biological arts.
43. "What rules of method for the new socio-scientific experiments?" poparticles/poparticle/p095.html.
44. Michel de Certeau. The Practice of Every Day Life, trans. Steven Rendall (Berkeley: University of Oklahoma Press, 1984). p. 148.
45. PigeonBlog was developed in conjunction with Preemptive Media's (Beatriz da Costa, Jamie Schulte, Brooke Singer) AIR project.
46. Another example is the Zapped project by Preemptive Media.
47. Nino Kunzli et al.. "Breathless in Los Angeles: The Exhausting Search for Clean Air," American Journal of Public Health 93, no. 9 (Spring 2003): 1494-1499.
48. Hans-Peter Lipp. "Pigeon Homing Along Highways and Exits." Current Biology 14. no 14 (July 27, 2004). 1239-1249.
49.Preemptive Media's AIR project addressed the pollution exposure to humans in more detail.
For more information, see
50 This inquiry came from the University of Arizona.
M. For more mlormanon regarding Cornell's citizen science initiative, see
i?<itr>? da Costa 384
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