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Feminist Dialogues in Technology

A Distributed, Online Open Learning Experiment Linking undergraduate students at Pitzer College and Bowling Green State University with Graduate Students at USC and UCSD

Mary Traester, Author

This comment was written by Tara McPherson on 23 Apr 2013.

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Let's imagine feminist programming together!

I completely agree about the difficulty of engaging questions of ideology, power, gender, race, etc. within traditional computer science programs. I also believe it is crucial that we make spaces for doing just this. In fact, Scalar (the authoring platform for this project) was built as a way to integrate into technological spaces the ideas of intersectionality that are key to much anti-racist and feminist of color practice. It developed from years of working with humanities scholars who ask questions about race, gender, social justice, etc. To the extent that a platform can be feminist in its conception, Scalar aspires to just that. We are so delighted to see it in use for this project.
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da Costa Part 3 (24 April 2013)
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