Complimenting a cyborg
I would say that "Her Baldness" creates a space where Lord can play the part of a cyborg. She says on her email lists that "Some people were deleted forever," indicating how she thought of not only herself, but of others as cyborgean, when she was upset about her cancer.
I think that the passage on compliments is very interesting—"I save all your emails. I have numbered them" being the highest in her consideration. This really communicates her image of herself as a cyborg to me. It is as if the idea that her friends and family will be keeping digital information from her is, to Lord, a way of continuing her presence indefinitely, despite the imminence of a physical end.
I think that the passage on compliments is very interesting—"I save all your emails. I have numbered them" being the highest in her consideration. This really communicates her image of herself as a cyborg to me. It is as if the idea that her friends and family will be keeping digital information from her is, to Lord, a way of continuing her presence indefinitely, despite the imminence of a physical end.
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Catherine Lord: Summer of Her Baldness (23 April 2013)
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