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a digital lyric memoir

Steven Wingate, Author

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Whichever dictionary you prefer, the definition for desecrate will read something like: "to treat a sacred thing of place with disrespectful violence." In writing this path, I'm operating on two assumptions:

  1. That the human being is a sacred thing;
  2. that violence can be emotional as well as physical.
From the assumptions flow some observations about myself:

  1. When I'm fearful and don't know what I'm afraid of, I destroy myself;
  2. I seek out the same patterns and means of destruction as my father, because he was my prime and best example; 
  3. desecration over time becomes a habit that sits at the root of our addictions.

So this path is about the desecrations I've witnessed and performed against this sacred thing we call the human being. There, nice and simple. I've summed it all up so that you can skip this path entirely
just in case the word desecration gives you the heebie-jeebies and you don't want to think about it at all. 

The same way I didn't want to think about it until the labyrinth pulled me toward it with it inexorable magnetism. Is desecration—the violence we commit against each other, and against ourselves—at the very center of daddylabyrinth?

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