Tunnels, Pools, and Ghosts: Exploring Space at St. Catherine University

Mendel Hall

Mendel Hall was built in 1928 to serve as a building dedicated to the sciences. By 1982 Mendel Hall had become a collection of services; sisters lived on the fifth floor, there was a childcare facility on the same floor as a greenhouse, classrooms and lounges were littered throughout the building and nestled between storage and offices. At the time of this energy survey, the building had changed little since it was built. Since this survey changes have been made to make the building slightly more cohesive, the sisters moved out and departments have shifted around the building while the nursing department moved out. However the building is still a bit of a muddle, departments are spread throughout the building and professors have offices in odd places.

Mendel Hall shows the determination of the college to provide women with an equal education. This history of the building as a math and science center shows the sisters dedication to women's education. By building this building the sisters "walk the talk" and create space to teach women subjects that few other places taught women. 


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