The Utopian/Dystopian American Dream: Immigration and Labor in Latina/o Science Fiction

The Reservations

In the 22nd century, Lydia and her family suffer from extreme prejudice because they are perceived as a nuisance to Cali-Texas, and are forced into imprisonment within the walls of the Reservations. Like Don Chipote, they suffer from the government and corporations’ utopian vision to enclose and segregate those “undesirable” people from the rest of the country. “Reslifers” living on the Reservations are confined within this space, surrounded by a wire fence and a panopticon tower monitoring them to ensure that no one escapes. In this future, the government and transnational corporations that control the people, economic and environmental resources, and even the moon are the creators of this dystopia, and those on the Reservations are living entirely in a dystopian world. Lydia explains the inception of the Reservations that were, “first created around 2090 and had become fully functional by 2100,” and expanded because of, “massive unemployment and world-wide migrations. These new ‘vagrants’ or ‘migros,’ as they were called back then, were forced into the Reservations” (Pita and Sánchez 15). As with Don Chipote in the 20th century, the 22nd century has also faced a mass migration movement; however, in this case those populations are completely enclosed by the Reservations with little to no chance of escape. 

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