The Hunger Games

Welcome fellow tributes!

Might I start by saying that we at the Capitol are riveted with excitement to have you here. As you begin to navigate your way through the trialling and exhilarating steps to creating your own short story, I ask you to please keep in mind that this is a task given to only those who are brave enough to try it. 

You all come from different districts and different backgrounds, which means you all have a different set of skills and abilities that will be of much value to you in these next couple of weeks. A short story contains elements that you are all familiar with, even if it does not seem so. From the setting, to the characters, to the very plot of the story, you will encounter a great deal of creativity being thrust onto the pages of your story. 

I encourage you all to keep your mind open, and let the story you picture in your head pour from your fingertips onto the keyboard beneath them. Fear not what your grade may be, but instead fear the power and greatness of your own imagination. I believe that each of you has what it takes to be a victor in the end. 

Good luck. 


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