The Book As

The Book As

First, we have the alphabet. Then scrolls. Then the codex. The codex has endured through history since around the 2nd century A.D. By themselves, these codices thrived in areas like religion. Then, around 1450, the printing press came along. This new technology changed the codex forever. Fast forward to the present day, and the printing press seems tedious, even archaic. So how has the book changed since its inception to our ever-changing digital age? Take a look through each section in the table of contents to see how certain authors/artists have altered the book in incredibly varied ways to complement the diversity of the digital age. 

To peruse each individual author's contribution in any order you wish, hover over the leftmost icon at the top of the page to see a table of contents. Alternatively, continue to the contents below to see our intentional, collaborative pathway through the different sections. 

Contents of this path: