The Art of Food in Frogtown and Rondo

Oluwaseun Video Story 4

The Main Problem:
The problem being brought forth was the amount of food around the world is being wasted.

I found a video on YouTube that did a good job with unfolding the problem. The documentary is called Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story.

The Documentary mentioned that around 45% of food gets wasted especially at Farmers Markets because people do like to buy foods that have even a small imperfection and want their food to look perfect even though they are still edible. It is very hard to not have any waste when it comes to catering because you can really predict the outcome of people actually coming to the event. Around the time that there were rations in the U.S. because of the wars there was more of a stigma about wasting food but in recent times people tend not to really think about how much food they are wasting.

This snippets from John Oliver's show relly explicated the problem with wasting food and the different negative effects it has on the world. He also mentions how even at stores they overstock on purpose to get more to people to buy the product because people tend not to but the last the one. People also throw the foods past the 'use by' and 'sell by' even though it technically not expired. 

I picked these clips from PBS news hour to show what another country is doing right now to actually solve the problem of the increasing about food waste there is around the world.

This clip from Tasty was a good example of showing how to imply zero waste to everyday cooking. because I thought it was a fun way to show how easy it can be to make food without having any/ little waste. The video also shows how to limit trash and food waste when it comes to cooking. There are also more of these kinds of videos on Buzzfeed's and Tasty's Youtube channels.

The solutions that were mentioned in the short examples that I found, were that we have to actually enforce laws and make sure that there would be repercussions for company's that do not comply with there laws being placed. People should also be educated to tell the effect of the food waste they make have in a financial and ecological sense as well.

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